送交者: psycho 于 2005-12-01, 12:04:15:
回答: 培养目标不一样。文科指点江山,理科攀登科学高峰,工科的目标就是养家糊口混饭吃。 由 coubert 于 2005-12-01, 11:32:27:
Many fields in humanities are not set for some grandious aims. Philosophy, before it became so highly specialized and natural philosophy became independent of it, is an effort to explore the world. History is an effor to know the human society better by investigating the past events qualitatively (because it's difficult to do it quantitatively. And if people in hisotry don't have those appropriate "quantitive tools" is a shame at all, then it's a shame for mathematician/statistician for failure to provide it, not historians themselves. On the contrary, if a historian disregard the restriction to make a tool effective and apply it anyway, this is shame to him (let bad guys to be male).). Literature criticism is investigating how to make better literature (though I doubt it's too difficult to have any real progress). They are not talking emptily.