送交者: skipper3 于 2005-1-27, 17:18:02:
回答: 好,偶觉得所有吸烟的人都应该干露天工作. 由 shine 于 2005-1-27, 17:06:42:
It's good for the society if more people especially seniors smoke. People say soming cause cancer so society have to pay for their health care cost. Th fact is no matter you smoke or not you will eventually die from certain disease, or make it worse you are healthy for most of life therefore die slowly from long term, less life threatening disease, which costs the society more than those result in quick death like cancer. For walfare countries the government also have to pay persion. If people live longer tax payers have to pay more. These anti-smoking liberals just don't know how to SuanZhang.