送交者: HunHunSheng 于 2005-5-11, 16:23:00:
回答: 在时速限制在65MILES/HR的公路上,好多车都是开80,为什么警察不管? 由 cornbug 于 2005-5-11, 16:14:54:
A few states like Massachusetts adopt "presumed " speed limit on some of its highways
"Absolute" speed limit set upper limit above which your speed is illegal even by one mile per hour.
"Presumed " speed limits set limit only as recommnedation and you can legally exceed the limit
is the speed is presumed to be safe.
In fact, even on roads that use "Abusolute" speed limit,
the people drive often 5-10 MPH above the limit.
This is illegal but common pratice.
If you get a ticket for speeding, then you can
find out whether abosolute limit or presumed limit
is uded. If the former is the case, your
defense should be that you did not seed above limit.
If teh later case is there, you can use two kinds
of defense - one is that yuou do not surpass teh limit
and teh second is that even if you drive above the
limit but it is safe to do so.